25 April, 2008

Quite a brew

Because how many times has it happened? You pick up the next book on the To Be Read pile and think, 'But which beer goes with this?'

Jeff VanderMeer has come to our rescue by getting every author under the sun to let us know what to drink with her or his latest offering, over on Omnivoracious. He found so many opinions that he had to split the idea in two, like they do with overlong fantasy novels! Go here and here.

You'll be so up-to-the-minute when you've worked your way through this list. But oh, the headache you'll have.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beer and books is a winning combination. Almost always. If the beer is good and the book is bad, you can always get drunk. If the book is really good, you might end up with a warm beer, but then who cares at that point. Right? The only catch is a bad book and a bad beer, but c'mon, what are the chances?


26 April, 2008 04:47  

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